Depression, Inflammation and Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a serious psychiatric illness that is increasing in prevalence. It is estimated that by 2020 MDD will be a leading cause of disease or injury worldwide. Clinical manifestations, biomarkers and treatment outcomes are widely variable among those affected, making the etiology difficult to explain. Current medical treatment for depression relies […]
The PSA Test: What you need to know
If you have been under my care, then you know how important a healthy lifestyle is in reducing disease-risks. Chiropractic manipulation, a clean and balanced diet, aerobic exercise, nutritional supplementation, stress management and routine detoxification are essential to maintain optimal health and vitality. We can also monitor your health status through numerous lab tests, which allow us […]
The Facts Behind WHO’s Reported Link Between Cancer and Red Meat.
You’ve most likely seen the recent articles claiming the World Health Organization has declared red meat and processed meats to be carcinogenic. While this is partially true, most of these articles neglected to mention other key facts from the report. If they bothered to read the full article, they would have seen that “eating red meat has not yet been […]